Semanada >   H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
When you lose, don't lose the lesson

sábado, dezembro 09, 2006

À Pesc em Schengen?

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No blog Aba da Casa, um procedimento óbvio no domínio da política Externa e de Segurança Comum (PESC), que abrange a política de Defesa, podemos ler a «Carta de Ana Gomes, datada de 27.11.2006, enviada a Presidente, Relator e membros do «Steering Group« da Comissão Temporária de Inquérito do PE sobre os voos e prisões da CIA e Pentágono envolvidos no programa ilegal de "extraordinary renditions" », que, penso, constituirá, desde já, “acervo de Schengen”, visto termos aderido ao espaço em 1991, sendo de notar que a Irlanda e o Reino Unido participam parcialmente, certamente por razões de obediências. A missiva começa assim:
«Dear Mr. President, Dear All
.I would like to share with you a summary of the information I have been gathering about Portugal in the context of the work of the TDIP Committee, based both on the EUROCONTROL data and on elements obtained from the Portuguese Government. From the data provided in reply to my enquiries by the Portuguese Foreign Ministry, with substantive input of Ministries responsible for the oversight of airport controls, a worrying picture is emerging of the role Portugal played in the 'extraordinary renditions' programme since 2001. In other words, we - as a Committee - need to take a good look at Portugal. The TDIP Committee should consider the information I am presenting and dedicate some time, resources and attention to the upcoming visit to Portugal. I believe it is the credibility of the Committee itself which is at stake here.»
(… e por aí, a ler aqui, no Aba da Causa)

