Semanada >   H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
When you lose, don't lose the lesson

quinta-feira, outubro 04, 2007

One post for Burma’s

A coisa não é assim tão simples como querem fazer crer. A verdade é que a posição estratégica, neste embrulho da mundialização, e a matéria-prima, para além da mão-de-obra a preço de escravo, pesam sempre muito nos comportamentos de apegamento ao Poder, selvagens e criminosos, que contam sempre com o retraimento dos gestos nobres das políticas externas dos outros, mesmo aquelas que apregoam a defesa dos Direitos Humanos, e confiam na hipocrisia dos astros que iluminam o planeta, muitos a encher a boca com Liberdade e Democracia. Há tantos exemplos recentes e outros tantos em curso.
E pronto… o meu post. Iremos falando da antiga Birmânia, de Burma, de Myanmar.
The thing is not so simple as they want to make to believe. Truth is that the strategical position, in this bundle of the mundialization, and the raw material, stops beyond the man power the slave price, always weighs very in the behaviors of grasped to the Power, savages and criminals, who always count on the retraction of the noble gestures of the external politics of the others, those that proclaim the defense of the Humans Rights beings, and trusts the hypocrisy of the stars that they illuminate the planet, many fulling the mouth with Freedom and Democracy. It has as many recent examples and others as much in course.

Translated by Google translate (automatic)
Myanmar is also important to an India seeking to extend its power into southeast Asia, politically and militarily, standing as it does at the mouth of the Malacca Straits. These interests have kept India and China engaged with the unpopular military regime in Yangon. As recently as 10 days ago, foreign minister Pranab Mukherjee was subjected to public questioning by British and American diplomats in Bangkok on India's Myanmar policy. Mukherjee stuck to India's line that it did not interfere in internal developments in any country.
Beijing has protected Burma's regime till now, but a brutal response to the protests would not be in its interests. China does not want another Tiananmen Square.

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